Privacy Policy

The Performance Corporation is committed to protecting your privacy and the company complies with the Data Protection principles set out in the relevant legislation. This Policy applies to all Personal Data collected, processed and stored by The Performance Corporation in relation to its staff, service providers and clients in the course of its activities.

The policy covers both personal and sensitive personal data held in relation to data subjects by The Performance Corporation. The policy applies equally to personal data held in manual and automated form. All Personal and Sensitive Personal Data will be treated with equal care by The Performance Corporation. Both categories will be equally referred-to as Personal Data in this policy, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Information we collect:

- Name
- Email/postal Address
- Phone Number
- Other contact information that you may submit to us

For data to be obtained fairly, you will, at the time the data is being collected, be made aware of:

- The identity of the Data Controller (The Performance Corporation)
- The purpose(s) for which the data is being collected
- The person(s) to whom the data may be disclosed by the Data Controller
- Any other information that is necessary so that the processing may be fair.

The Performance Corporation will meet this obligation in the following way.

- Your informed consent will be sought before your data is processed;
- Where it is not possible to seek consent, The Performance Corporation will ensure that collection of the data is justified under one of the other lawful processing conditions – legal obligation, contractual necessity, etc.;
- Where The Performance Corporation intends to record activity on CCTV or video, a Fair Processing Notice will be posted in full view;
- Your data will not be disclosed to a third party other than to a party contracted to The Performance Corporation and operating on its behalf.

Storing and use of information you provide

The Performance Corporation will:

- Ensure that administrative and IT validation processes are in place to conduct regular assessments of data accuracy;
- Conduct periodic reviews and audits to ensure that relevant data is kept accurate and up-to-date. The Performance Corporation conducts a review of sample data every six months to ensure accuracy.
- Conduct regular assessments in order to establish the need to keep certain Personal Data.

Disclosure of information to third parties

In the course of its role as Data Controller, The Performance Corporation engages a number of Data Processors to process Personal Data on its behalf. In each case, a formal, written contract is in place with the Processor, outlining their obligations in relation to the Personal Data, the specific purpose or purposes for which they are engaged, and the understanding that they will process the data in compliance with the Irish Data Protection legislation and EU General Data Protection Regulation. We will never trade your personal details with third parties.


The Performance Corporation will employ high standards of security in order to protect the personal data under its care. Appropriate security measures will be taken to protect against unauthorised access to, or alteration, destruction or disclosure of any personal data held by The Performance Corporation in its capacity as Data Controller. Access to and management of staff and customer records is limited to those staff members who have appropriate authorisation and password access.

Subject Access Requests

Any formal, written request by you for a copy of your personal data (a Subject Access Request) will be referred, as soon as possible, to the Data Protection Officer, and will be processed as soon as possible. It is intended that by complying with these guidelines, The Performance Corporation will adhere to best practice regarding the applicable Data Protection legislation.

Collection and Retention of Data

The Performance Corporation will ensure that the data it processes in relation to you is relevant to the purposes for which those data are collected. Data which are not relevant to such processing will not be acquired or maintained.


Our website utilises SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems.


If you have a complaint regarding your data or wish to contact us regarding your data, you can contact The Performance Corporation on



We use cookies and similar tools across our website to improve website performance and enhance your user experience. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files which a website may put on your computer or mobile device when you first visit a site or page. The cookie will help the website, to recognise your device the next time you visit. Web beacons or other similar files can also do the same thing. We use the term “cookies” in this policy to refer to all files that collect information in this way. There are many functions cookies serve. For example, they can help us to remember your username and preferences, analyse how well our website is performing, or even allow us to recommend content we believe will be most relevant to you. Certain cookies contain personal information – for example, if you click to “remember me” when logging in, a cookie will store your username. Most cookies won’t collect information that identifies you, and will instead collect more general information such as how users arrive at and use our websites, or a user’s general location.

What sort of cookies do we use?
Generally, our cookies perform up to three different functions:

Essential cookies: Some cookies are essential for the operation of our website. For example, some cookies allow us to identify subscribers and ensure they can access the subscription only pages. If a subscriber opts to disable these cookies, the user will not be able to access all of the content that a subscription entitles them to.
Performance Cookies:. We use other cookies to analyse how our visitors use our websites and to monitor website performance. This allows us to provide a high quality experience by customising our offering and quickly identifying and fixing any issues that arise. For example, we might use performance cookies to keep track of which pages are most popular, which method of linking between pages is most effective, and to determine why some pages are receiving error messages. We might also use these cookies to highlight articles or site services that we think will be of interest to the user based on their usage of the website.
We do use Google Analytics on our website, the cookies employed do not contain personally identifiable information. Google Analytics cookies store information, such as the time a visit occurred, if it is a repeat visit, and what site referred the user to the web page. These cookies only use the computer’s IP address for location information. Google stores the information collected by these cookies on servers in the United States. Google may transfer this information to third-parties where required to do so by law, or where such third-parties process the information on Google’s behalf.
Functionality Cookies:We use functionality cookies to allow us to remember your preferences. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access the site, and recall your customisation preferences. We also use functionality cookies to provide you with enhanced services such as allowing you to watch a video online or comment on a blog.

Can a website user block cookies?

Yes. If you do wish to disable our cookies then please follow the instructions here for your browser. Please remember that if you do choose to disable cookies, you may find that certain sections of our website do not work properly.

To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, click here.  

Access to information

Any formal, written request by a Data Subject for a copy of their personal data (a Subject Access Request) will be referred, as soon as possible, to our Data Protection Officer, and will be processed as soon as possible.

It is intended that by complying with these guidelines, The Performance Corporation will adhere to best practice regarding the applicable Data Protection legislation.


The Performance Corporation website privacy policy was last updated on 5 November 2018

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