
4th March 2009

Irish Times Irish Theatre Awards

Kevin Treacy won Best Lighting Design at the awards ceremony on March 1st for his work on The Performance Corporation’s The Nose by Tom Swift (based on […]
25th November 2008

The Video

A small slice of The Nose for your delectation. It’s been put to bed for now….”it’s resting” (an in joke line from the play – sorry!)  […]
8th October 2008

Day 3

Rehearsals are tipping along nicely. We haven’t really started working on the specific text/scenes yet as I’m keen to open up the process for the actors […]
3rd October 2008

3 days to go

So, I thought it was a great idea to schedule a “secret show” for the Dublin Theatre Festival 2 days before rehearsals! Strangely I think it […]