Photo by Ciaran Bagnall
This is our final day in Castletown and tonight we have our first dress rehearsal in the venue. This is Jill Power (Lisa Lambe) here signing in! During both tech evenings I have been set with the challenge of walking in very high heels on carpet. Actually it has proved to be managable as Suzanne the costume designer very cleverly has given me power heels with a thick stilleto so that balance and altitude sickness are not a worry.. I have to admit I love high heels but even more so, I love the first time that your character’s shoes are presented to you. They instantly transform your walk and how you feel and it’s very different to walk in Jill’s shoes as opposed to playing around in a scene in your socks or runners as I was doing in the early days of development. Let’s hope power heels don’t bring power blisters!
Lisa Lambe – Performer