
27th April 2011


I’m up on the ninth floor of an ultra-modern office block on Washington’s Massachusetts Avenue and I can really feel Swampoodle coming together. To those of […]
25th April 2011

Swampoodlers arrive in DC!

In flight entertainment has ceased, baggage has been reclaimed, weather climate has changed dramatically and five hours have disappeared! The Performance Corporation have touched down in […]
8th February 2011

Delayed upload of Day 4 blog from Swampoodle Development we

IN WHICH THE SWAMPOODLE ACTORS ARE AWESOME We’ve reached the midway point of our week-long process, and morning has flown into afternoon into evening into the […]
12th January 2011

The Swampoodle actors prove their mettle on the imagination gridiron

Day 3 through the eyes and pen of Jason McCool – full post and photos on his own travel blog. It’s hard to believe I’m already […]
11th January 2011

Our process is off to a thrilling start.

Jason McCool on first day of development – taken from his travel blog: I knew I’d be overestimating the likelihood of my waking up early enough […]