
10th January 2011

Full house for Swampoodle development

Happy New Year everyone! We have kicked off 2011 with development of Swampoodle – a co-production between ourselves and our DC friends Solas Nua. It is […]
22nd December 2010

Sunday Times and Irish Theatre Mag picks of the year for Slattery’s Sago Saga “The pick of the bunch, though, was a play that seemed to take itself less seriously. The unfinished and largely forgotten novel Slattery’s Sago Saga […]
24th November 2010

‘Everyone should go and see this play..’ The View, RTE

Raving reviews of Slattery’s Sago Saga on RTE’s The View: ‘Absolutely hilarious…everyone should go and see this play, it is absolutely fantastic…stunning…out of this world’ ‘The […]
18th November 2010

What the audiences say about Slattery’s Sago Saga

Thank you to all our audiences who came to Mermaid Arts Centre in the past two days. An email received this morning made us all very […]
15th November 2010

RTE Arena on Slattery’s Sago Saga

Click on the image to listen to an excerpt from Slattery’s Sago Saga on Arena.
13th November 2010

Runing through

Slattery’s Sago Saga dress run-through before setting off on National Tour!
12th November 2010

Lisa Lambe aka Imelda talks about Flann, Arthur and Sago

12th November 2010

Imeall/TG4 shooting rehearsals

In the middle of rehearsal week 2, a day before the first run through, TG4 came out to Castletown House to shoot some of the rehearsals […]
8th November 2010

Slattery’s Sago Saga sound clip

We have been busy here last week – rehearsing, prop sourcing, video editing, contracts signing, planning, scheduling, costume fitting, make up trying, radio script writing, designing, […]