Tom Swift

31st August 2012

Skulduggery and Generosity in the Emerald City by Tom Swift

We’re back in Washington DC. Yes that’s right, that place: The world’s centre of excellence for political skullduggery (see The West Wing/Veep/CNN), a town once upon a time dubbed America’s “murder capital”, a city boasting summers so sizzling hot that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk (if you had an egg), and a place noted as having “the charm of the north and the efficiency of the south” (Pres. John F Kennedy).
4th April 2012

**New** Across the Lough Promo

We’re delighted to give you the world wide web premiere of our video promo for Across the Lough. The video was filmed during our first outing […]
8th February 2011

Delayed upload of Day 4 blog from Swampoodle Development we

IN WHICH THE SWAMPOODLE ACTORS ARE AWESOME We’ve reached the midway point of our week-long process, and morning has flown into afternoon into evening into the […]
15th January 2011


I’ve been dreading this moment for a while now, my goodbye to The Performance Corporation. I have now tied up the Swampoodle development week, set up […]
12th January 2011

The Swampoodle actors prove their mettle on the imagination gridiron

Day 3 through the eyes and pen of Jason McCool – full post and photos on his own travel blog. It’s hard to believe I’m already […]
11th January 2011

Our process is off to a thrilling start.

Jason McCool on first day of development – taken from his travel blog: I knew I’d be overestimating the likelihood of my waking up early enough […]
10th January 2011

Jason’s Swampoodle Day 1

Jason McCool, one of our fabulous Swampoodle cast, on his arrival to Castletown House for Swampoodle development – taken from his own blog, well worth a […]
10th January 2011

Full house for Swampoodle development

Happy New Year everyone! We have kicked off 2011 with development of Swampoodle – a co-production between ourselves and our DC friends Solas Nua. It is […]
8th November 2010

Slattery’s Sago Saga sound clip

We have been busy here last week – rehearsing, prop sourcing, video editing, contracts signing, planning, scheduling, costume fitting, make up trying, radio script writing, designing, […]