
13th November 2010

Runing through

Slattery’s Sago Saga dress run-through before setting off on National Tour!
12th November 2010

Imeall/TG4 shooting rehearsals

In the middle of rehearsal week 2, a day before the first run through, TG4 came out to Castletown House to shoot some of the rehearsals […]
1st November 2010

Slattery’s Sago Saga is back!

It has been a little lonely in the office in the past month with Irene gone to pursue her studies in London, but I have been […]
22nd October 2010

What the premiere of Slattery’s Sago Saga meant to production assistant Ian

Finally a blog post from moi.. Ian Gower production intern for Slattery’s Sago Saga from the sunny climes of London South Bank University. Well – what […]
12th October 2010

Louise White on SPACE Production Award for FROM THE HEART

This year as part of ABSOLUT Fringe 2010 Kate Nic Chonaonaigh and I presented From the Heart in No.13 North Great George’s Street. A site-specific piece […]
3rd September 2010

At last, an address!

Priscilla Robinson’s charity shop has a home! Help Me! Help Me! is taking place from September 23 to 26, as part of Absolut Fringe. No ticket […]
21st August 2010

Spilt Gin and their love affair with the 67A

The 67A bus stop on Westmorland St. is one of my new favourites. Waiting for the bus out to Castletown House with the cast of Soh […]
29th July 2010

Power Point is headed for Finland

Do you remember Power Point from last year’s Absolut Fringe? Well, the whole team is back this week in Castletown House rehearsing for next week’s performances […]
28th May 2010

Spilt Gin in Castletown House

The charm of Castletown House has not worn off for me yet, and I am always reminded of it’s beauty coming into work in the morning. […]