Marketa Puzman

15th January 2011


I’ve been dreading this moment for a while now, my goodbye to The Performance Corporation. I have now tied up the Swampoodle development week, set up […]
10th January 2011

Jason’s Swampoodle Day 1

Jason McCool, one of our fabulous Swampoodle cast, on his arrival to Castletown House for Swampoodle development – taken from his own blog, well worth a […]
8th November 2010

Slattery’s Sago Saga sound clip

We have been busy here last week – rehearsing, prop sourcing, video editing, contracts signing, planning, scheduling, costume fitting, make up trying, radio script writing, designing, […]
1st November 2010

Slattery’s Sago Saga is back!

It has been a little lonely in the office in the past month with Irene gone to pursue her studies in London, but I have been […]
22nd October 2010

What the premiere of Slattery’s Sago Saga meant to production assistant Ian

Finally a blog post from moi.. Ian Gower production intern for Slattery’s Sago Saga from the sunny climes of London South Bank University. Well – what […]
12th October 2010

Louise White on SPACE Production Award for FROM THE HEART

This year as part of ABSOLUT Fringe 2010 Kate Nic Chonaonaigh and I presented From the Heart in No.13 North Great George’s Street. A site-specific piece […]
23rd September 2010

Help Me! Help Me! – now open

Priscilla Robinson’s charity shop is now open at 5 Smock Alley Court (Just off Fishamble Street, near  where cultivate used to be) The shop is open […]
29th July 2010

Power Point is headed for Finland

Do you remember Power Point from last year’s Absolut Fringe? Well, the whole team is back this week in Castletown House rehearsing for next week’s performances […]
21st June 2010

Midsummer – First Read Through

Easily the most exciting moment in advance of full production is getting the whole team together for the first time, which was almost achieved with the […]