Solas Nua

8th February 2011

Delayed upload of Day 4 blog from Swampoodle Development we

IN WHICH THE SWAMPOODLE ACTORS ARE AWESOME We’ve reached the midway point of our week-long process, and morning has flown into afternoon into evening into the […]
12th January 2011

The Swampoodle actors prove their mettle on the imagination gridiron

Day 3 through the eyes and pen of Jason McCool – full post and photos on his own travel blog. It’s hard to believe I’m already […]
10th January 2011

Full house for Swampoodle development

Happy New Year everyone! We have kicked off 2011 with development of Swampoodle – a co-production between ourselves and our DC friends Solas Nua. It is […]
29th May 2010

Washington DC to Belmullet

I did end up unintentionally heckling the Ambassador during his speech while he was welcoming me
18th February 2010


17th February 2010

GAA! – Hurling at Farragut Square Theatrical Espresso 2

16th February 2010

KISS USA – photos

Did you miss all the sweetness? Check out the VIDEO.
15th February 2010

Perking up DC with KISS – Theatrical Espresso HIT 1

Well guys… It’s been a long and wonderfully romantic day here in DC. At 2pm today, The Performance Corporation and 100 performers entwined outside The White […]
14th February 2010

Theatrical Espresso Revealed

Hello! The first of our Espressos is happening today in Washington DC. Our performers are arriving for rehearsals as we speak and we are gearing up […]