
9th October 2008

The glamourous world behind the scenes.

So I’ve been cajoled and coerced into blogging. It seemed like such a great idea a few weeks ago when we weren’t in the thick of […]
9th October 2008

Kiss my YouTube

Why are people smiling? It must be our Kiss video. The response has been incredible and it seems to have made a lot of people smile […]
8th October 2008

Day 3

Rehearsals are tipping along nicely. We haven’t really started working on the specific text/scenes yet as I’m keen to open up the process for the actors […]
7th October 2008

First Day of Rehearsals: A Confession

I know it’s crazy, but I feel strangely sad. I’ve just given my baby up for adoption. After a prolonged and difficult pregnancy of three years, […]
3rd October 2008

3 days to go

So, I thought it was a great idea to schedule a “secret show” for the Dublin Theatre Festival 2 days before rehearsals! Strangely I think it […]
1st October 2008

A Blog Virgin Writes…

Hi, I’m Tom and I’m a Blog Virgin. With these well chosen words I welcome you to my first ever blog post. And if you begin […]
29th September 2008

smells like russian spirit

St Petersburg, December. 1829. It’s snowing outside, the Tsar’s in his palace and all is well with the world… well, not quite. Major Kovalyev’s nose has […]
22nd September 2008

Shortlisted for National PPI Radio Drama Awards

We here at The Performance Corporation have  just received some great news. The Flying Dutchman of Inishkill by  Tom Swift has just been shortlisted for the […]