Alan Howley

7th August 2010

Power Point in a sauna

After our first sold out performance, the Tampere Festival took us to a Finnish sauna. About 20mins outside Tampere we arrived to a gorgeous log cabin […]
5th August 2010

Moro Tampereelta!

So a week after Slattery’s Sago Saga wrap, here I am, sitting in the lobby of the Ilves Sokos Hotel in Tampere, Finland. The company is […]
29th July 2010

Power Point is headed for Finland

Do you remember Power Point from last year’s Absolut Fringe? Well, the whole team is back this week in Castletown House rehearsing for next week’s performances […]
22nd September 2009

Three days ago..

Clare, Alan, Lisa and Hilary took their last curtain call; Jo had final notes; Tom’s script was alive for one more night; I welcomed the last […]
15th September 2009

Please register here for the conference

Power Point is heading into its last four days in the Absolut Fringe 2009. I am the producer and this is my first gig with The […]
6th September 2009

Theatrical Flu

I think I’m coming down with something. I don’t think it’s serious, but I may be suffering from mild strain of theatrical flu. Hi, I’m Tom […]
25th August 2009

11 days to 1st preview

That’s a scary thought! Alan Howley here.  I’m one of the performers in The Performance Corporation’s Absolut Fringe Festival show Power Point. So, yes rehearsals for the […]
23rd August 2009

Run 1 and beyond

Saturday saw the first full run of the play. It was pretty much fully costumed and off book, so felt strangely like a dress rehearsal. It […]
11th August 2009

New Beginnings

So, it’s begun. Either it’s the uphill struggle to never-ending glory or a slippery slope to disaster. Somewhere in between would be good. I’m playing Sonny […]