Power Point

15th January 2011


I’ve been dreading this moment for a while now, my goodbye to The Performance Corporation. I have now tied up the Swampoodle development week, set up […]
8th August 2010

Goodbye to Tampere

After three sold out performances, great audiences, lots of hard work and lots of laughs, we said goodbye to Tampere. It was a fantastic experience. Thank […]
7th August 2010

Power Point in a sauna

After our first sold out performance, the Tampere Festival took us to a Finnish sauna. About 20mins outside Tampere we arrived to a gorgeous log cabin […]
5th August 2010

Moro Tampereelta!

So a week after Slattery’s Sago Saga wrap, here I am, sitting in the lobby of the Ilves Sokos Hotel in Tampere, Finland. The company is […]
29th July 2010

Power Point is headed for Finland

Do you remember Power Point from last year’s Absolut Fringe? Well, the whole team is back this week in Castletown House rehearsing for next week’s performances […]
17th January 2010

New Year – New Message

Happy New Year everybody! Above is a photo from my time off – christmassy Old Town Square in Prague. Coming back from the holidays was not […]
11th December 2009

A tiny bit of pre-Christmas nostalgia

Since the beginning on the year, The Performance Corporation‘s performances were seen by approximately 1,650 audience members, our videos were viewed 6,200 times online and we […]
9th December 2009

Slattery’s Saga over, Finland here we come.

Its been a long few weeks, busy busy busy. We’re all holding our collective breath around the country to see how the arts survive the budget. […]
2nd December 2009

To the sun and sea I go…

Today is my last day of the year working with The Performance Corporation and I suppose i’m in a bit of a reflective mood.  We’ve had a […]